Jan. 10, 2022

Lost and Alone

This pandemic has had me in my feelings for a while now.

Back in September of 2021 I lost a very dear friend of mind and it made me think.

Why I felt so lost and alone I have been around this person off and on since I was sixteen and he was twenty, he was my first love and my best friend for over thirty years.

The pandemic had me laid off work for two months and the felt like the longest two months in history. But we couldn't really go anywhere the city was pretty much shut down unless for food, and a short exercise run or walk.

So, for me to no longer hear his corny jokes or for us to binge watch shows made me feel lost and alone something I have been dealing with most of my life.

I was so lonely I didn't really know what to do with myself only so many books to read and movies to watch.

The time alone showed me that I am never truly alone the father is always with me and I have to keep smiling at all times.

Human contact through all this is what's missing nothing like a hug from a loved one.

Now we have to video chat to check up on our loved ones. Will things ever be normal?

please tell someone you love them and that despite all they are not alone!!